• Compatibility with STR12 and STR17 machine: interchangeable plates, software and program management
• Very high quality stitching
• Extra large stitching area suitable for narrow but long materials like shoulder bags and belt tips
• Simplicity of programming with linea20 software
• Precision and consistency of the tip stitching
• Material rotation
• Automatic stitching along different shapes and surfaces
• Customized solutions that can be developed independently
• Ability to easily create customized plates for material support
• Adaptability to different styles and strap sizes
• Ability to work on .plt or .dxf files
• USB connection between machine and PC
• Technical, mechanical and training support
Programmable on 3 axes: X, Y, rotary.
High quality stitching.
Practical and fast user interface.
Easy to set stitching style and design.
With pallet load.
The STR17XL stitching unit boasts a number of advanced features, able to offer customized stitching solutions to meet the most specific needs of our customers. The distinguishing feature of this machine is the extra large area which allows you to work on narrow and long materials such as shoulder straps and similar products as well as extra long watch straps. Our machine can handle particular and complex shapes and sizes without compromising the quality of the stitching. This opens up new design possibilities and applications, satisfying the needs of the most diverse industries.